What is a StoryBrand Certified Guide?

First things first…

What the heck is StoryBrand?

The StoryBrand Framework is a proven marketing framework built around the 7 elements of story. When you use this framework, you communicate a clear message and win in the marketplace. ​

As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, Jill Felty of Felty Co. uses this framework with all Felty Co. clients to help them capture the attention of their customers and maximize your marketing dollars. 

Your StoryBrand Crash Course

A StoryBrand Certified Guide can…

Give you the words that work.

Using the framework, a StoryBrand Certified Guide can write the words that will keep you coming back -- everywhere your words show up.

Develop a strategy that rocks.

With proven strategies, you'll outshine the competition and get noticed, all with a system that's working even while you sleep.

Equip you with marketing that sells.

You'll feel confident you're taking the right next steps with marketing that makes you money.

Read the books

The book that started it all. This book teaches you the framework and how to make it work for you.

This book teaches you everything you need to know about running a business without the price take of a MBA.

This book teaches you to use the StoryBrand framework to build a powerful sales funnel that works while you sleep.

This book will inspire you to find meaning and live a life of deep purpose. 

Take a StoryBrand Course

Business Made Simple University

Everything you need to know to grow a business in on-demand courses.

StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

Clarify your message and get coached through the framework by the experts in a live, 2-day event.

Ready to become “the one?”

Start a project and get the words that make your customers excited to choose you.